Statistics and meaning of name Hwi

Usage: 89% firstname, 11% surname.
Hwi first name was found 173 times in 9 different countries.
Surname Hwi is used at least 21 times in at least 7 countries.
Gender of firstname Hwi is 27% feminine and 73% masculine.

      Surname Hwi
Given names
Siah Hwi (1)

Given name Hwi
Family names
Hwi Kim (2)
Hwi Han (1)
Hwi Yun (1)

Surname Hwi in USA   

Hwi reversed is Iwh
Name contains 3 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Hiw Wih Whi Ihw
Misspells: Hwy Hvvi Hwj Hwe Hwia Hiw Whi

Rhymes: he she see c sea

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Brazil Malaysia Netherlands India Germany Canada Australia Japan United Kingdom


Writers: Hwi Kim, Yong-hwi Pak, Ahn Hwi-joon, Hwi-jun An

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