Statistics and meaning of name Ienci

We have no records about Ienci being used as firstname.
Surname Ienci is used at least 96 times in at least 2 countries. (Canada,Romania)
Name written with Chinese letters: 延奇 (pinyin: yán jī)

Given names
Ioan Ienci (13)
Gheorghe Ienci (4)
Stefan Ienci (4)
Mihai Ienci (3)
Iulisca Ienci (2)
Ion Ienci (2)
Rozalia Ienci (2)
Ana Ienci (2)
Maria Ienci (2)
Nutu Ienci (2)
Marius Ienci (2)
Nelu Ienci (2)
Ileana Ienci (2)
Aurel Ienci (2)
Ecaterina Ienci (2)
Dumitru Ienci (2)
Doca Ienci (2)
Gavrila Ienci (2)
Vasile Ienci (2)
Aron Ienci (2)
Georgeta Ienci (2)
Voichita Ienci (1)
Silviu Ienci (1)
Stela Ienci (1)
Teodor Ienci (1)
Victoria Ienci (1)
Viliam Ienci (1)
Petru Ienci (1)
Lidia Ienci (1)
Gabriel Ienci (1)
Francisc Ienci (1)
Aurora Ienci (1)
Horea Ienci (1)
Iosif Ienci (1)
Olga Ienci (1)
Nicolae Ienci (1)
Mariana Ienci (1)
Pavel Ienci (1)

Ienci reversed is Icnei
Name contains 5 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Ienic Eciin Cinei Iecin Iecni Necii Ineic
Misspells: Yenci Jenci Eenci Iencia Ineci Ienic Iecni

Rhymes: punchy crunchy bungee spongy bumpy

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania Thailand Italy Austria Canada


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