Statistics and meaning of name Iepureanu
We have no records about Iepureanu being used as firstname.
Surname Iepureanu is used at least 42 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 耶普雷亚努 (pinyin: yé pǔ léi yà nǔ)
Given names
Viorica Iepureanu (3) Mihail Iepureanu (2) Ivan Iepureanu (2) Valeriu Iepureanu (2) Tamara Iepureanu (2) Serghei Iepureanu (2) Ion Iepureanu (2) Gheorghe Iepureanu (2) Angela Iepureanu (2) Eremia Iepureanu (2) Octavian Iepureanu (2) Galina Iepureanu (2) Stepan Iepureanu (1) Victor Iepureanu (1) Paula Iepureanu (1) Zinaida Iepureanu (1) Vasile Iepureanu (1) Simion Iepureanu (1) Nicolae Iepureanu (1) Eudochia Iepureanu (1) Ecaterina Iepureanu (1) Dumitru Iepureanu (1) Eugenia Iepureanu (1) Hristian Iepureanu (1) Petru Iepureanu (1) Olga Iepureanu (1) Alexandru Iepureanu (1) Raisa Iepureanu (1) |
Iepureanu reversed is Unaerupei
Name contains 9 letters - 66.67% vowels and 33.33% consonants.
Anagrams: Apeenuiru
Misspells: Iepureonu Iepuleanu Iepurreanu Yepureanu Jepureanu Eepureanu Iepureanua Ipeureanu Iepureaun Iepurenau
Rhymes: spiritu tliou preview espiritu hsiu
Meaning of name Iepureanu is: from the toponymic name 'Iepureni' or from the name [Iepure] plus the anthroponym suffix '-eanu'
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Domains - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE | Old Wiki Name: Iepureanu Language: Romanian Meaning: from the toponymic name Iepureni or from the name Iepure plus the anthroponym suffix -eanu Comments: |
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