Statistics and meaning of name Igiogbe

We have no records about Igiogbe being used as firstname.
Surname Igiogbe is used at least 11 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,UK)

Given names
Barrison Igiogbe (2)
Osatohamwen Igiogbe (1)
Bruno Igiogbe (1)
Efstratia Igiogbe (1)

Surname Igiogbe in USA   

Igiogbe reversed is Ebgoigi
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Iigeobg Ogigbei Oggiebi
Misspells: Ygiogbe Jgiogbe Egiogbe Igiogbea Iigogbe Igiogeb Igiobge

Rhymes: idiotcy idiotry physioally seriosly zavisimosti

Meaning of this name is unknown.

spica says: Igiogbe is a name gotten from the language Bini, in Edo State, Nigeria. Literally, it means "the headquarters of something". It can be referred to as the control center, the power house, the major elite, the source point etc.

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