Statistics and meaning of name Iglicki

Usage: 2% firstname, 98% surname.
Iglicki first name was found 1 times in 1 different countries. (USA)
Surname Iglicki is used at least 44 times in at least 9 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 伊格利茨基 (pinyin: yī gé lì cí jī)

      Surname Iglicki
Given names
Marian Iglicki (2)
Alice Iglicki (2)
Marek Iglicki (1)
Jozef Iglicki (1)
Zenon Iglicki (1)
Rafael Iglicki (1)
Maciej Iglicki (1)
Antoni Iglicki (1)
Waldemar Iglicki (1)
Waclaw Iglicki (1)
Karine Iglicki (1)
Bohdan Iglicki (1)
Michel Iglicki (1)
Alain Iglicki (1)
Laurent Iglicki (1)
Pawel Iglicki (1)
Grzegorz Iglicki (1)
Claire Iglicki (1)
Franck Iglicki (1)
Roberto Iglicki (1)
Martine Iglicki (1)
Marc Iglicki (1)
Lazare Iglicki (1)
Therese Iglicki (1)

Surname Iglicki in France   Surname Iglicki in Poland   Surname Iglicki in USA   

Iglicki reversed is Ikcilgi
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Ilgiikc Icgiikl Igilick Gliikci Ciliikg Igilikc Kiciilg
Misspells: Yglicki Jglicki Eglicki Iglickia Ilgicki Iglicik Iglikci

Rhymes: Vicki Penderecki glitzy risky gritty crispy frisky

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Poland France Brazil Morocco Thailand Russian Federation United Kingdom Europe Reunion Argentina Taiwan Germany


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