Statistics and meaning of name Ihidoy

We have no records about Ihidoy being used as firstname.
Surname Ihidoy is used at least 33 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Ihidoy
Given names
Jean Ihidoy (2)
Sebastien Ihidoy (2)
Mirentxu Ihidoy (1)
Michel Ihidoy (1)
Nadine Ihidoy (1)
Robert Ihidoy (1)
Yvonne Ihidoy (1)
Nicolas Ihidoy (1)
Helene Ihidoy (1)
Emile Ihidoy (1)
Bertrand Ihidoy (1)
Firmin Ihidoy (1)
Gerard Ihidoy (1)
Guillaume Ihidoy (1)
Gilbert Ihidoy (1)
Benat Ihidoy (1)

Surname Ihidoy in France   Surname Ihidoy in USA   

Ihidoy reversed is Yodihi
Name contains 6 letters - 66.67% vowels and 33.33% consonants.

Anagrams: Idiohy Iihody Hiidyo Iihoyd
Misspells: Yhidoy Ihidoi Jhidoy Ehidoy Ihidoya Iihdoy Ihidyo Ihiody

Rhymes: teapoy theoi neoi tlioy areoi

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Thailand


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