Statistics and meaning of name Iiro

Usage: 95% firstname, 5% surname.
Iiro first name was found 149 times in 7 different countries.
Surname Iiro is used at least 7 times in at least 1 countries. (Finland)
Gender of firstname Iiro is 0% feminine and 100% masculine.
Name written with Chinese letters: 伊罗 (pinyin: yī luō)


Given name Iiro
Family names
Iiro Puukka (2)
Iiro Hiltunen (1)
Iiro Liimatta (1)
Iiro Nurkkala (1)
Iiro Antila (1)
Iiro Wester (1)
Iiro Helenius (1)
Iiro Aro (1)
Iiro Gronberg (1)
Iiro Holopainen (1)
Iiro Pankakoski (1)
Iiro Nummi (1)

Iiro reversed is Orii
Name contains 4 letters - 75.00% vowels and 25.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Irio Iroi Oiri Iori Orii
Misspells: Iilo Iirro Yiro Jiro Eiro Iiroa Irio Iior

Rhymes: Biro Cairo Miro Ramiro Shapiro Spiro zero hero giro tiro nonzero

Meaning of name Iiro is: Finnish diminutive of ISAAC
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Finland Russian Federation United Kingdom Switzerland Thailand Germany Panama


Famous people: Iiro Rantala, Iiro Viinanen, Iiro Aalto, Iiro Luoto

Writers: Iiro Kajanto, Iiro Jussila

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or about the origins of this name?
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