Statistics and meaning of name Ilcu

We have no records about Ilcu being used as firstname.
Surname Ilcu is used at least 106 times in at least 5 countries.
Origin of this name is Bulgarian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 伊尔库 (pinyin: yī ěr kù)

      Surname Ilcu
Given names
Ioan Ilcu (6)
Maria Ilcu (5)
Vasile Ilcu (5)
Gheorghe Ilcu (3)
Alexandru Ilcu (3)
Dumitru Ilcu (3)
Radu Ilcu (3)
Elena Ilcu (3)
Victor Ilcu (3)
Mihai Ilcu (3)
Lacramioara Ilcu (2)
Oleg Ilcu (2)
Neculai Ilcu (2)
Teodor Ilcu (2)
Marioara Ilcu (2)
Margareta Ilcu (2)
Maricel Ilcu (2)
Mariana Ilcu (2)
Ivan Ilcu (2)
Ana Ilcu (2)
Angelica Ilcu (2)
Marieta Ilcu (2)
Florica Ilcu (2)
David Ilcu (2)
Elisabeta Ilcu (2)
Cristea Ilcu (2)
Romica Ilcu (2)
Costel Ilcu (2)
Sandu Ilcu (1)
Steliana Ilcu (1)
Mircea Ilcu (1)
Nicolae Ilcu (1)
Viorel Ilcu (1)
Maximilian Ilcu (1)
Toader Ilcu (1)
Ida Ilcu (1)
Catalin Ilcu (1)
Cristian Ilcu (1)
Adriana Ilcu (1)
Xenofont Ilcu (1)
Serafim Ilcu (1)
Daniela Ilcu (1)
Florian Ilcu (1)
Ion Ilcu (1)
Jolanda Ilcu (1)
Ilie Ilcu (1)
Gladiola Ilcu (1)
Gheorghina Ilcu (1)
Lucretia Ilcu (1)

Surname Ilcu in Moldova   

Ilcu reversed is Ucli
Name contains 4 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Iluc Iclu Lcui Uicl Iucl Ucli Ulci Lciu
Misspells: Ylcu Jlcu Elcu Ilcua Iclu Iluc

Rhymes: miscue issue tissue mildew igloo

Meaning of name Ilcu is: from the Bulgarian names [Ilko]
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Thailand United Kingdom Germany France Moldova Romania


Old Wiki
Name: Ilcu
Language: Romanian
Origin: Bulgarian
Meaning: from the Bulgarian name Ilko

Famous people: Mircea Ilcu, Marieta Ilcu

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