Statistics and meaning of name Ilioaia

We have no records about Ilioaia being used as firstname.
Surname Ilioaia is used at least 71 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 伊利瓦亚 (pinyin: yī lì wǎ yà)

      Surname Ilioaia
Given names
Vasile Ilioaia (7)
Constantin Ilioaia (7)
Maria Ilioaia (6)
Elena Ilioaia (6)
Ion Ilioaia (5)
Viorica Ilioaia (3)
Ioana Ilioaia (2)
Neculai Ilioaia (2)
Traian Ilioaia (2)
Ioan Ilioaia (2)
Iuliana Ilioaia (2)
Eleonora Ilioaia (2)
Cristian Ilioaia (2)
Dumitru Ilioaia (2)
Renata Ilioaia (1)
Catalin Ilioaia (1)
Ana Ilioaia (1)
Alina Ilioaia (1)
Viorel Ilioaia (1)
Petrea Ilioaia (1)
Mircea Ilioaia (1)
Laurian Ilioaia (1)
Alexandrina Ilioaia (1)
Liliana Ilioaia (1)
Danut Ilioaia (1)
Mihai Ilioaia (1)
Nicolae Ilioaia (1)

Ilioaia reversed is Aiaoili
Name contains 7 letters - 85.71% vowels and 14.29% consonants.

Misspells: Iliooia Ylioaia Jlioaia Elioaia Ilioaiaa Iiloaia Ilioaai Ilioiaa

Rhymes: Aglaia Praia

Meaning of name Ilioaia is: from the name [Ilie] plus the feminine suffix '-oaie'
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania

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Old Wiki
Name: Ilioaia
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the name Ilie plus the feminine suffix -oaie

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