Statistics and meaning of name Illevold

We have no records about Illevold being used as firstname.
Surname Illevold is used at least 18 times in at least 2 countries. (Norway,Australia)

Given names
Anne Illevold (2)
Pal Illevold (1)
Oddgeir Illevold (1)
Stein Illevold (1)
Tone Illevold (1)
Vibeke Illevold (1)
Vebjorn Illevold (1)
Norvald Illevold (1)
Marit Illevold (1)
Bjorg Illevold (1)
Bente Illevold (1)
Britta Illevold (1)
Elisabeth Illevold (1)
Idar Illevold (1)
Kristian Illevold (1)

Surname Illevold in Norway   

Illevold reversed is Dlovelli
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Llileodv Ldelolvi
Misspells: Yllevold Illebold Jllevold Ellevold Illevolda Illevodl Illevlod

Rhymes: Arnold Cotswold Hammarskjold Harold Jerold Jerrold Leopold hydathode iontophoresed

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Norway Sweden Austria Europe Australia


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