Statistics and meaning of name Ilonczai
We have no records about Ilonczai being used as firstname.
Surname Ilonczai is used at least 42 times in at least 4 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 伊隆曹伊 (pinyin: yī lōng cáo yī)
Given names
Vasile Ilonczai (7) Jozsef Ilonczai (4) Gabor Ilonczai (2) Annamaria Ilonczai (2) Elisabeta Ilonczai (2) Andrei Ilonczai (2) Adrian Ilonczai (1) Beata Ilonczai (1) Belane Ilonczai (1) Zoltanne Ilonczai (1) Nandorne Ilonczai (1) Tibor Ilonczai (1) Karoly Ilonczai (1) Emeric Ilonczai (1) Berta Ilonczai (1) Francisc Ilonczai (1) Ileana Ilonczai (1) Katalin Ilonczai (1) Alexandru Ilonczai (1) Rozalia Ilonczai (1) |
Ilonczai reversed is Iazcnoli
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Niolicaz Aloiznic Nzoicail Alionzic Linazoci Zcinoali
Misspells: Ilonczoi Ylonczai Jlonczai Elonczai Ilonczaia Iolnczai Ilonczia Iloncazi
Rhymes: andante picante fiance latte drachmae
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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