Statistics and meaning of name Inoan

We have no records about Inoan being used as firstname.
Surname Inoan is used at least 60 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 伊诺安 (pinyin: yī nuò ān)

Given names
Nicolae Inoan (7)
Ioan Inoan (5)
Adriana Inoan (3)
Cornel Inoan (3)
Teofil Inoan (2)
Ileana Inoan (2)
Ion Inoan (2)
Maria Inoan (2)
Vasile Inoan (2)
Petrica Inoan (2)
Gavrila Inoan (2)
Ana Inoan (2)
Alexandru Inoan (2)
Aurora Inoan (2)
Dafin Inoan (2)
Elena Inoan (2)
Emma Inoan (2)
Florica Inoan (1)
Pantelimon Inoan (1)
Ciprian Inoan (1)
Ghizela Inoan (1)

Inoan reversed is Naoni
Name contains 5 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Inona Naino Anoni Ninao Inano Inaon Onani Ionna
Misspells: Inoon Ynoan Jnoan Enoan Inoana Ionan Inona Inaon

Rhymes: Minoan Chicagoan Idahoan Joan Ohioan Samoan rowan protozoan poem jeroboam emotion

Meaning of name Inoan is: from the toponymic name [Inoe] (Transylvania) plus the suffix '-an'

Denis Benito Inoan says: En España también hay gente que se llama Inoan, entre los que me incluyo.

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania France Thailand Sweden Ireland Russian Federation India


Old Wiki
Name: Inoan
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the toponymic name Inoe (Transylvania) plus the suffix -an

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