Statistics and meaning of name Ioffredi
We have no records about Ioffredi being used as firstname.
Surname Ioffredi is used at least 34 times in at least 3 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 约弗雷迪 (pinyin: yāo fú léi dí)
Given names
Giuseppe Ioffredi (3) Giovanni Ioffredi (3) Michele Ioffredi (2) Aurelio Ioffredi (2) Vincenzo Ioffredi (2) Pasquale Ioffredi (1) Rosina Ioffredi (1) Angela Ioffredi (1) Donatangelo Ioffredi (1) Adamo Ioffredi (1) Angelo Ioffredi (1) Concetta Ioffredi (1) Giuseppina Ioffredi (1) |
Ioffredi reversed is Iderffoi
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Fifoirde Dofiefir Rofdifie Fefirdio Doiffeir Oifdefri Irofdief Feordiif
Misspells: Ioffledi Ioffrredi Yoffredi Joffredi Eoffredi Ioffredia Ifofredi Ioffreid Ioffrdei
Rhymes: Jedi already ready thready steady heady
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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