Statistics and meaning of name Iozon
We have no records about Iozon being used as firstname.
Surname Iozon is used at least 27 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Romania)
Origin of this name is Bulgarian.
Given names
Aurel Iozon (3) Andrei Iozon (2) Francisc Iozon (2) Laurentiu Iozon (2) Veronica Iozon (2) Victoria Iozon (1) Ida Iozon (1) Bazil Iozon (1) Ileana Iozon (1) Iosif Iozon (1) |
Iozon reversed is Nozoi
Name contains 5 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Iozno Onzoi Nozoi Zooni Izono
Misspells: Yozon Jozon Eozon Iozona Izoon Iozno Ioozn
Rhymes: Amazon Luzon Quezon Verizon amazon blazon emblazon ioan zymosan myrosin cytokine hypoten
Meaning of name Iozon is: from the Bulgarian names [Jozo] , [Jozov] or from the Hungarian word 'jozan' = 'sober , temperate , abstemious'
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![Germany:2 Germany](/img/Germany-flag.png)
![Hungary:1 Hungary](/img/Hungary-flag.png)
Domains - REGISTERED - FREE - REGISTERED - FREE | Old Wiki Name: Iozon Language: Romanian Origin: Bulgarian Meaning: from the Bulgarian names Jozo , Jozov or from the Hungarian word jozan = sober , temperate , abstemious Comments: |
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