Statistics and meaning of name Ipenburg

We have no records about Ipenburg being used as firstname.
Surname Ipenburg is used at least 85 times in at least 5 countries.

      Surname Ipenburg
Given names
Gerhard Ipenburg (1)
Gerrard Ipenburg (1)

Ipenburg reversed is Grubnepi
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Rpegunib Bperingu Rpienugb
Misspells: Ipenbulg Ipenburrg Ypenburg Jpenburg Epenburg Ipenburga Iepnburg Ipenbugr Ipenbrug

Rhymes: Brandenburg Hindenburg Oldenburg Yekaterinburg Augsburg Duisburg wittenberg inselberg

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Edith Ipenburg says: Ik dacht dat de naam uit Belgie komt
At Ipenburg says: My familyname originates from an ancestor, Gerrit Zijtsen, born ca 1630, who had been living in GermAny near the Castle (Schlosz) Ippenburg. When he returned home first to Kampen and then to Amersfoort he took his familyname from the castle Ipenburg, spelled in various ways. He had 20 children from two wives.

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