Statistics and meaning of name Ipland

We have no records about Ipland being used as firstname.
Surname Ipland is used at least 18 times in at least 2 countries. (Denmark,South Africa)

Given names
Soren Ipland (2)
Mette Ipland (1)
Louise Ipland (1)
Nils Ipland (1)
Pia Ipland (1)
Steffen Ipland (1)
Kjestine Ipland (1)
Olivia Ipland (1)
Jan Ipland (1)
Grethe Ipland (1)
Dorrit Ipland (1)
Hans Ipland (1)
Heidi Ipland (1)
Jakob Ipland (1)
Inger Ipland (1)
Claus Ipland (1)

Ipland reversed is Dnalpi
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Pladin Dpanli Lipnad Pliadn Adlinp Nadilp Plinda
Misspells: Iplond Ypland Jpland Epland Iplanda Ilpand Ipladn Iplnad

Rhymes: Copland Lapland upland Auckland Cleveland Copeland listened thickened imaged rippled sickened

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Steffen Michael Ipland says: Living in Denmark

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Denmark Spain South Africa Thailand Netherlands Germany United Kingdom Sweden


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