Statistics and meaning of name Irandokht

Usage: 89% firstname, 11% surname.
Irandokht first name was found 94 times in 12 different countries.
Surname Irandokht is used at least 11 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Irandokht
Given names
Danesh Irandokht (1)

Given name Irandokht
Family names
Irandokht Vossoghi (1)
Irandokht Foji (1)
Irandokht Felardi (1)
Irandokht Adamiat (1)
Irandokht Talebi (1)
Irandokht Aliabadi (1)
Irandokht Fischberg (1)
Irandokht Boroujeni (1)
Irandokht Rahmati (1)
Irandokht Koozad (1)
Irandokht Shoaay (1)
Irandokht Vahabzadeh (1)
Irandokht Fallah (1)
Irandokht Fadaeian (1)
Irandokht Eftekhar (1)
Irandokht Berkshire (1)
Irandokht Farahpour (1)
Irandokht Ghobad (1)
Irandokht Ghaffari (1)
Irandokht Zaeri (1)
Irandokht Tehrani (1)
Irandokht Kakhi (1)

Surname Irandokht in USA   

Irandokht reversed is Thkodnari
Name contains 9 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Kothanidr
Misspells: Irondokht Ilandokht Irrandokht Yrandokht Jrandokht Erandokht Irandokhta Iarndokht Irandokth Irandohkt

Rhymes: invoked convoked provoked choked evoked

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Iran Germany Italy Switzerland Denmark Argentina France United Kingdom Austria Thailand Hong Kong Netherlands Finland Canada Spain


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