Statistics and meaning of name Ireri

Usage: 35% firstname, 65% surname.
Ireri first name was found 104 times in 6 different countries.
Surname Ireri is used at least 188 times in at least 5 countries.
Gender of firstname Ireri is 100% feminine and 0% masculine.

      Surname Ireri
Given names
James Ireri (3)
Jascinta Ireri (2)
Salome Ireri (1)
Sylivia Ireri (1)
Ricki Ireri (1)
Victor Ireri (1)
William Ireri (1)
Pamela Ireri (1)
Sylvia Ireri (1)
Mukono Ireri (1)
Jennifer Ireri (1)
Evah Ireri (1)
John Ireri (1)
Lindah Ireri (1)
Alex Ireri (1)
Nelly Ireri (1)

Given name Ireri
Family names
Ireri Ramos (1)

Surname Ireri in USA   

Ireri reversed is Ireri
Name contains 5 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Ireir Rieri Iirre Irrie Irrei Errii Ierir
Misspells: Ileri Irreri Yreri Jreri Ereri Ireria Ierri Ireir Irrei

Rhymes: Alighieri Cheri Guarnieri Jeri Keri Sheri Teri prairie very vary marry fairy

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Ireri says: Ireri was the name of a P'urhépecha Tarascan princess, of western state of Michoacan,Mexico. Ireri means "princes", "the most beutiful flower born in spring". Since Ire=from here and she was form michoachan it is said she it meant the queen of michoacan, mexico this brings the meaning of Ireri to also mean "the queen of your heart".

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