Statistics and meaning of name Ishanzai
We have no records about Ishanzai being used as firstname.
Surname Ishanzai is used at least 7 times in at least 1 countries. (USA)
![Surname Ishanzai in USA Surname Ishanzai in USA](/img/USA/Ishanzai.jpg)
Ishanzai reversed is Iaznahsi
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Aihsinaz Ashizain Azhinais Asihazin Zniahasi
Misspells: Ishonzai Isshanzai Yshanzai Jshanzai Eshanzai Ishanzaia Ihsanzai Ishanzia Ishanazi
Rhymes: banzai hatte chalet hatchway sashay
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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Domains - REGISTERED - FREE - FREE - FREE | Old Wiki Name: Ishanzai Gender: Masculine Location: Asia Language: Other Thematic: Popular Culture Meaning: a combination of two words, (Ishan), a north afghanistan typical Uzbek name for a male person and (Zai), is a typical pushto word refers to someone's tribe. Comments: some body with a last name of Ishanzai would probably born from a Pashtoon/Uzbek parents and wanted to save both nationality in his generations. |
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