Statistics and meaning of name Isotalus

We have no records about Isotalus being used as firstname.
Surname Isotalus is used at least 20 times in at least 3 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 伊佐塔卢斯 (pinyin: yī zuǒ tǎ lú sī)

      Surname Isotalus
Given names
Jim Isotalus (3)
Matti Isotalus (1)
Mahel Isotalus (1)
Elvi Isotalus (1)
Janne Isotalus (1)

Isotalus reversed is Sulatosi
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Tiossaul Uotlassi Laitouss
Misspells: Isotolus Issotalus Ysotalus Jsotalus Esotalus Isotalusa Iostalus Isotalsu Isotauls

Rhymes: Tantalus Daedalus Aeolus Aeschylus Catullus foaminess motionless socialists eponymous brokenness

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Kauko Isotalus says: iso=big, Talus is a village in Alavieska/Finland, Misspells: Isotalo (big house), Isotaus (big back), Isotaulus, Isotasku (big pocket), Isotalvi (big winter)

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