Statistics and meaning of name Itaf

Usage: 86% firstname, 14% surname.
Itaf first name was found 71 times in 10 different countries.
Surname Itaf is used at least 11 times in at least 4 countries.
Origin of this name is Urdu.

      Surname Itaf

Given name Itaf
Family names
Itaf Rafih (2)
Itaf Makke (2)
Itaf Mosleh (1)
Itaf Hawa (1)
Itaf Azzam (1)
Itaf Hamad (1)
Itaf Taha (1)
Itaf Hammoud (1)
Itaf Dajani (1)
Itaf Jaber (1)
Itaf Zahab (1)
Itaf Ghallab (1)
Itaf Yazback (1)

Surname Itaf in USA   

Itaf reversed is Fati
Name contains 4 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Itfa Iatf Tafi Fiat Ifat Fati Ftai Taif
Misspells: Itof Ytaf Jtaf Etaf Itafa Iatf Itfa

Rhymes: staff chaff half laugh graph

Meaning of name Itaf is: Clock
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Pakistan Lebanon Iraq United Arab Emirates Saudi Arabia Jordan China Canada United Kingdom


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