Statistics and meaning of name Iunian

Usage: 52% firstname, 48% surname.
Iunian first name was found 28 times in 3 different countries.
Surname Iunian is used at least 25 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Slavonic.
Name written with Chinese letters: 尤尼安 (pinyin: yóu ní ān)

Given names
Ioan Iunian (3)
Gheorghe Iunian (2)
Stefan Iunian (2)
Eva Iunian (2)
Catita Iunian (2)
Viorica Iunian (1)
Rodica Iunian (1)
Traian Iunian (1)
Georgeta Iunian (1)
Constantin Iunian (1)
Francisc Iunian (1)
Augustin Iunian (1)

Given name Iunian
Family names
Iunian Smarandache (3)
Iunian Sgura (2)
Iunian Hohoi (2)
Iunian Udroiu (2)
Iunian Filipescu (2)
Iunian Chelu (2)
Iunian Ciudoescu (2)
Iunian Mustata (1)
Iunian Oancea (1)
Iunian Oita (1)
Iunian Draghici (1)
Iunian Tudor (1)
Iunian Neacsa (1)
Iunian Temelie (1)
Iunian Zarnescu (1)
Iunian Perianu (1)
Iunian Pana (1)
Iunian Iliescu (1)

Iunian reversed is Nainui
Name contains 6 letters - 66.67% vowels and 33.33% consonants.

Anagrams: Uninia Iinaun Uniina Inuani Aininu Uniani
Misspells: Iunion Yunian Junian Eunian Iuniana Inuian Iunina Iunain

Rhymes: Abyssinian Albanian Apollonian Araucanian Argentinian Arizonian Armenian boolean lndian chorion dn ruffian

Meaning of name Iunian is: from the Bulgarian and Russian name [Junij] plus the suffix '-an' or from the word 'iune' = 'June' plus the suffix '-an'
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Old Wiki
Name: Iunian
Language: Romanian
Origin: Slavonic
Meaning: from the Bulgarian and Russian name Junij plus the suffix -an or from the word iune = June plus the suffix -an

Famous people: Grigore Iunian

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or about the origins of this name?
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