Statistics and meaning of name Iuoras

We have no records about Iuoras being used as firstname.
Surname Iuoras is used at least 86 times in at least 4 countries.
Origin of this name is Bulgarian.

      Surname Iuoras
Given names
Ioan Iuoras (6)
Remus Iuoras (6)
Nicolae Iuoras (5)
Teodor Iuoras (4)
Vasile Iuoras (3)
Maria Iuoras (3)
Angela Iuoras (3)
Cornel Iuoras (3)
Nastasia Iuoras (2)
Tudora Iuoras (2)
Viorel Iuoras (2)
Verginia Iuoras (2)
Klara Iuoras (2)
Camelia Iuoras (2)
Aron Iuoras (2)
Beniamin Iuoras (2)
Alexandru Iuoras (2)
Codreanu Iuoras (2)
Adriana Iuoras (2)
Pavel Iuoras (1)
Sever Iuoras (1)
Anica Iuoras (1)
Violeta Iuoras (1)
Victor Iuoras (1)
Niculina Iuoras (1)
Nicolaie Iuoras (1)
Augustin Iuoras (1)
Ionel Iuoras (1)
Daniela Iuoras (1)
Gheorghe Iuoras (1)
Cristian Iuoras (1)
Mariana Iuoras (1)
Costel Iuoras (1)
Monica Iuoras (1)
Mircea Iuoras (1)
Emanoila Iuoras (1)

Iuoras reversed is Saroui
Name contains 6 letters - 66.67% vowels and 33.33% consonants.

Anagrams: Uirosa Uorsia
Misspells: Iuoros Iuolas Iuorras Iuorass Yuoras Juoras Euoras Iuorasa Iouras Iuorsa Iuoars

Rhymes: Anaxagoras Angoras Protagoras Pythagoras angoras corporas fedoras paellas pilaf heelless sheilas treeless

Meaning of name Iuoras is: from the Bulgarian name [Joro] plus the diminutive suffix '-aş' or misspelt variant of the name [Iuonas]; Iuoraş
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Old Wiki
Name: Iuoras
Language: Romanian
Origin: Bulgarian
Meaning: from the Bulgarian name Joro plus the diminutive suffix -aş or the misspelt variant of the name Iuonas
Comments: Iuoraş

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