Statistics and meaning of name Iuruc
We have no records about Iuruc being used as firstname.
Surname Iuruc is used at least 67 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Given names
Constantin Iuruc (6) Dumitru Iuruc (6) Iancu Iuruc (5) Nicolae Iuruc (5) Gheorghe Iuruc (4) Costea Iuruc (4) Zoita Iuruc (3) Maria Iuruc (3) Agora Iuruc (2) Vanghele Iuruc (2) Traian Iuruc (2) Ianula Iuruc (2) Gherata Iuruc (2) Ecaterina Iuruc (2) Florica Iuruc (2) Cherata Iuruc (2) Niculae Iuruc (1) Safure Iuruc (1) Stelian Iuruc (1) Chirata Iuruc (1) Amet Iuruc (1) Costica Iuruc (1) Mircea Iuruc (1) Gina Iuruc (1) Franga Iuruc (1) Iani Iuruc (1) Dima Iuruc (1) Gabriel Iuruc (1) Nelu Iuruc (1) |
Iuruc reversed is Curui
Name contains 5 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Iurcu Ucrui Curui Ruuci Irucu
Misspells: Iuluc Iurruc Yuruc Juruc Euruc Iuruca Iruuc Iurcu Iuurc
Rhymes: struck luck truck pluck cluck
Meaning of name Iuruc is: from the name [Iurii] plus the diminutive suffix '-uc'
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Domains - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE | Old Wiki Name: Iuruc Language: Romanian Meaning: from the name Iurii plus the diminutive suffix -uc Comments: |
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