Statistics and meaning of name Jacobsz
We have no records about Jacobsz being used as firstname.
Surname Jacobsz is used at least 66 times in at least 7 countries.
Given names
Ryan Jacobsz (2) Fiona Jacobsz (2) Johan Jacobsz (2) Sarah Jacobsz (2) Kimberley Jacobsz (1) Susan Jacobsz (1) Rozanna Jacobsz (1) Schalk Jacobsz (1) Francois Jacobsz (1) Beryl Jacobsz (1) Barry Jacobsz (1) Chrismari Jacobsz (1) Daniel Jacobsz (1) Alice Jacobsz (1) Eksteen Jacobsz (1) Jan Jacobsz (1) |
Jacobsz reversed is Zsbocaj
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.
Anagrams: Jcazosb Zajcosb Zsabcoj
Misspells: Jocobsz Jacobssz Iacobsz Jacobsza Jcaobsz Jacobzs Jacosbz
Rhymes: paintbrush sagebrush
Meaning of this name is unknown.
Michael Jacobsz says: Hi, I'm a Jacobsz. I believe Jacobsz Orgins from The Netherlands. What i found out is that in the Netherlands there was a time that you last name was linked to the name of you father. In that contect the name would be 'Jacobszoon' Where the last part in english means 'son'. That lead make the last name, Jacobs son, other wise son of Jacob. The Netherlands was a nation of explorers arround the world. Through Facebook i found allot of Jacobsz in South Africa, spreaking abit Dutch. I have found (on dutch websites), that the fist Jacobsz i found wass, Jan and his father was named Jacob Jansz Gerritsz. On that same website i found out that before him and like his father, the last name changes and ends on the letter Z (zoon/son). No hard prove, but an interesting theorie
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