Statistics and meaning of name Jacquillat
We have no records about Jacquillat being used as firstname.
Surname Jacquillat is used at least 26 times in at least 2 countries. (France,Switzerland)
Name written with Chinese letters: 雅基亚 (pinyin: yǎ jī yà)
Given names
Laurence Jacquillat (3) Marie Jacquillat (3) Claude Jacquillat (2) Thierry Jacquillat (2) Matthieu Jacquillat (2) Alain Jacquillat (2) Odile Jacquillat (1) Charles Jacquillat (1) Emery Jacquillat (1) Philippe Jacquillat (1) Cecile Jacquillat (1) Bruno Jacquillat (1) Alexandre Jacquillat (1) Arnaud Jacquillat (1) Bertrand Jacquillat (1) Christophe Jacquillat (1) |
![Surname Jacquillat in France Surname Jacquillat in France](/img/France/Jacquillat.jpg)
Jacquillat reversed is Talliuqcaj
Name contains 10 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Allujiqact
Misspells: Jocquillat Jacquyllat Jacguillat Jacqujllat Iacquillat Jacquellat Jacquillata Jcaquillat Jacquillta Jacquilalt
Rhymes: flat slat splat éclat brickbat kidnapped chitchat kidnaped diktat
Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries:
![United States:56 United States](/img/United-States-flag.png)
![France:33 France](/img/France-flag.png)
![Switzerland:2 Switzerland](/img/Switzerland-flag.png)
![Canada:1 Canada](/img/Canada-flag.png)
Famous people: Thierry Jacquillat, Jean-Pierre Jacquillat
Writers: Cl Jacquillat, Agathe Jacquillat, Bertrand Jacquillat
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