Statistics and meaning of name Jaftha
We have no records about Jaftha being used as firstname.
Surname Jaftha is used at least 60 times in at least 5 countries.
Given names
Lorna Jaftha (4) Caroline Jaftha (3) Peter Jaftha (3) Sonja Jaftha (3) Paul Jaftha (2) Leasle Jaftha (2) Sandra Jaftha (2) Kenneth Jaftha (2) John Jaftha (2) Yvonne Jaftha (1) Robert Jaftha (1) Scott Jaftha (1) Nigel Jaftha (1) Mariaan Jaftha (1) Jacqueline Jaftha (1) Danielle Jaftha (1) Kerry Jaftha (1) Lavern Jaftha (1) Mariann Jaftha (1) Mariaam Jaftha (1) Natasha Jaftha (1) |
Jaftha reversed is Ahtfaj
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.
Anagrams: Aftajh Fjahta Jfahat Htajfa
Misspells: Joftha Iaftha Jafthaa Jfatha Jaftah Jafhta
Rhymes: Agatha Bertha Golgotha Hiawatha Letha Maratha Martha naphtha alpha strata gamma stanza
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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