Statistics and meaning of name Janhvi

Usage: 97% firstname, 3% surname.
Janhvi first name was found 105 times in 6 different countries.
Surname Janhvi is used at least 3 times in at least 1 countries. (India)
Origin of this name is Hindi.


Given name Janhvi
Family names
Janhvi Surelia (1)
Janhvi Raniga (1)
Janhvi Panchani (1)
Janhvi Samant (1)
Janhvi Chadha (1)

Janhvi reversed is Ivhnaj
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Anhijv Njavhi Jnavih Vhijna
Misspells: Jonhvi Janhvy Janhbi Janhvj Ianhvi Janhve Janhvia Jnahvi Janhiv Janvhi

Rhymes: comfy clumsy valency mendicancy bunny

Meaning of name Janhvi is: Ganga; Originated from the Lap (Janu) of Lord Vishnu; Daughter of Janu Rishi
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