Statistics and meaning of name Jantic
We have no records about Jantic being used as firstname.
Surname Jantic is used at least 33 times in at least 1 countries. (Moldova)
Given names
Nicolae Jantic (4) Petru Jantic (2) Nadejda Jantic (2) Elena Jantic (2) Dumitru Jantic (2) Victor Jantic (2) Ana Jantic (2) Olga Jantic (1) Viorica Jantic (1) Sofia Jantic (1) Nicolai Jantic (1) Vera Jantic (1) Valentina Jantic (1) Veaceslav Jantic (1) Ion Jantic (1) Avram Jantic (1) Angela Jantic (1) Andrei Jantic (1) Constantin Jantic (1) Eudochia Jantic (1) Ilie Jantic (1) Gheorghe Jantic (1) Albert Jantic (1) |
Jantic reversed is Citnaj
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.
Anagrams: Catinj Njaitc Jnaict Anjict
Misspells: Jontic Jantyc Jantjc Iantic Jantec Jantica Jnatic Jantci Janitc
Rhymes: Atlantic antic frantic gigantic pedantic romantic semantic
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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