Statistics and meaning of name Jantura

We have no records about Jantura being used as firstname.
Surname Jantura is used at least 16 times in at least 2 countries. (UK,Poland)

Given names
Stanislaw Jantura (2)
Slawomir Jantura (1)
Miroslaw Jantura (1)
Waclaw Jantura (1)
Zbigniew Jantura (1)
Waldemar Jantura (1)
Marian Jantura (1)
Maciej Jantura (1)
Grazyna Jantura (1)
Danuta Jantura (1)
Grzegorz Jantura (1)
Jerzy Jantura (1)
Leszek Jantura (1)
Krystyna Jantura (1)
Mateusz Jantura (1)

Surname Jantura in Poland   

Jantura reversed is Arutnaj
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Jnaatru Tunaraj Tuajarn Jatnaur Anatruj
Misspells: Jontura Jantula Janturra Iantura Janturaa Jnatura Jantuar Jantrua

Rhymes: coloratura Bujumbura Japura Jayapura Laura Maura aura purpura tempura natura dura pleura

Meaning of this name is unknown.
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