Statistics and meaning of name Jarmany
We have no records about Jarmany being used as firstname.
Surname Jarmany is used at least 39 times in at least 2 countries. (UK,Australia)
Given names
Helen Jarmany (8) David Jarmany (3) Ann Jarmany (3) Michele Jarmany (3) Graham Jarmany (2) John Jarmany (2) Henry Jarmany (2) Daniel Jarmany (2) Laura Jarmany (1) Lisa Jarmany (1) Alida Jarmany (1) Richard Jarmany (1) Patricia Jarmany (1) Kerrie Jarmany (1) Catherine Jarmany (1) Christine Jarmany (1) Hannah Jarmany (1) Albert Jarmany (1) Herbert Jarmany (1) James Jarmany (1) Kathleen Jarmany (1) |
Jarmany reversed is Ynamraj
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.
Anagrams: Jraymna Maranyj Maajynr Jamryan Arymnaj
Misspells: Jormany Jalmany Jarrmany Jarmani Iarmany Jarmanya Jramany Jarmayn Jarmnay
Rhymes: Germany Romany Tammany many harmony disharmony partially botany pharmacy
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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