Statistics and meaning of name Jereghe
We have no records about Jereghe being used as firstname.
Surname Jereghe is used at least 24 times in at least 4 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 热雷盖 (pinyin: rè léi gài)
Given names
Vasile Jereghe (3) Ana Jereghe (2) Sergiu Jereghe (2) Benone Jereghe (2) Constantin Jereghe (2) Elena Jereghe (1) Valeriu Jereghe (1) Vera Jereghe (1) Olga Jereghe (1) Andrei Jereghe (1) Anatolie Jereghe (1) Iacob Jereghe (1) Larisa Jereghe (1) Nicolae Jereghe (1) Oleg Jereghe (1) |
Jereghe reversed is Ehgerej
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.
Anagrams: Egrehej Egejehr Jeeregh Gerejhe Eejrehg Ehegrej Hegjere Ehjereg
Misspells: Jeleghe Jerreghe Iereghe Jereghea Jreeghe Jeregeh Jerehge
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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