Statistics and meaning of name Jetishi

We have no records about Jetishi being used as firstname.
Surname Jetishi is used at least 22 times in at least 5 countries.

      Surname Jetishi
Given names
Huzri Jetishi (1)
Fari Jetishi (1)
Jezofina Jetishi (1)
Irena Jetishi (1)
Anton Jetishi (1)
Haxhi Jetishi (1)
Atdhe Jetishi (1)
Albert Jetishi (1)
Angelo Jetishi (1)
Prek Jetishi (1)
Taida Jetishi (1)
Sabri Jetishi (1)
Fitim Jetishi (1)
Bahri Jetishi (1)
Drita Jetishi (1)
Besim Jetishi (1)
Sani Jetishi (1)
Faton Jetishi (1)
Ali Jetishi (1)
Selman Jetishi (1)
Prel Jetishi (1)
Xhavit Jetishi (1)

Surname Jetishi in Switzerland   

Jetishi reversed is Ihsitej
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Istehij Isejiht Jeitish Sitijhe Iejtihs Ihestij Hisjite Ihjites
Misspells: Jetisshi Jetyshi Jetjshi Ietishi Jeteshi Jetishia Jteishi Jetisih Jetihsi

Rhymes: Mitsubishi maharishi Bangladeshi Belushi Lubumbashi pettishly charity bearishly effigy levity

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Switzerland Germany Ukraine Austria Canada Denmark France Thailand Albania India Serbia Croatia

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