Statistics and meaning of name Jhean

Usage: 48% firstname, 52% surname.
Jhean first name was found 26 times in 6 different countries.
Surname Jhean is used at least 28 times in at least 4 countries.
Gender of firstname Jhean is 50% feminine and 50% masculine.
Name written with Chinese letters: 让 (pinyin: ràng)

      Surname Jhean
Given names
Joel Jhean (2)
Nicole Jhean (2)
Alain Jhean (1)
Adeline Jhean (1)
Sarah Jhean (1)
Christophe Jhean (1)
Aurelie Jhean (1)
Jacques Jhean (1)
Roland Jhean (1)
Bernard Jhean (1)
Remy Jhean (1)
Gaston Jhean (1)
Gabrielle Jhean (1)
Celine Jhean (1)
Roger Jhean (1)
Pierre Jhean (1)
Alexandra Jhean (1)
Robert Jhean (1)
Irene Jhean (1)

Given name Jhean

Surname Jhean in France   

Jhean reversed is Naehj
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Jhena Hajne Anehj Jhane Jhaen Nheaj Ehanj Jehna
Misspells: Jheon Ihean Jheana Jehan Jhena Jhaen

Rhymes: Archean Manichean Promethean Sisyphean gene bean bien dean teen

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Philippines France Thailand Hong Kong Netherlands Taiwan

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