Statistics and meaning of name Jidoi
We have no records about Jidoi being used as firstname.
Surname Jidoi is used at least 41 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Given names
Pavel Jidoi (4) Mariana Jidoi (4) Ioan Jidoi (4) Constantin Jidoi (3) Vasile Jidoi (2) Stefan Jidoi (2) Traian Jidoi (2) Emilia Jidoi (2) Aurel Jidoi (2) Costica Jidoi (2) Elena Jidoi (2) Olivia Jidoi (2) Viorel Jidoi (1) Petru Jidoi (1) Lidia Jidoi (1) Ghenade Jidoi (1) Lazar Jidoi (1) Adrian Jidoi (1) Lucretia Jidoi (1) |
Jidoi reversed is Iodij
Name contains 5 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Jidio Iojid Oidij Ijiod Jiodi Iidoj
Misspells: Jydoi Jjdoi Iidoi Jedoi Jidoia Jdioi Jidio Jiodi
Rhymes: boy enjoy joy toy deploy
Meaning of name Jidoi is: from the word 'jid' = 'Jew' plus the suffix '-oi'
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