Statistics and meaning of name Jorit

Jorit first name was found 32 times in 9 different countries.
We didn't find anyone with surname Jorit.


Given name Jorit
Family names
Jorit Aanes (1)
Jorit Olsen (1)
Jorit Ramstedt (1)
Jorit Dorn (1)
Jorit Haugan (1)
Jorit Huber (1)
Jorit Krushave (1)
Jorit Tellervo (1)
Jorit Borgert (1)
Jorit Posset (1)

Jorit reversed is Tiroj
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Jorti Itroj Tjoir Joitr Joirt Torij Roitj Jroti
Misspells: Jolit Jorrit Joryt Jorjt Iorit Joret Jorita Jroit Jorti Joirt

Rhymes: Brit Prakrit Sanskrit bowsprit culprit demerit disinherit forage audit forfeit hornet plaudit

Meaning of name Jorit is: Norwegian dialectal form (Trøndelag) of Jorid
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Belgium Netherlands Thailand Canada Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom Poland Philippines Australia Austria


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