Statistics and meaning of name Jurebie

We have no records about Jurebie being used as firstname.
Surname Jurebie is used at least 43 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 茹雷比耶 (pinyin: rú léi bǐ yé)

Given names
Serban Jurebie (4)
Maria Jurebie (4)
Hortensia Jurebie (3)
Silvia Jurebie (2)
Radu Jurebie (2)
Gheorghe Jurebie (2)
Constantin Jurebie (2)
Violeta Jurebie (1)
Teodora Jurebie (1)
Misu Jurebie (1)
Ioana Jurebie (1)
Cristieana Jurebie (1)
Eugenia Jurebie (1)
Iancu Jurebie (1)
Aristica Jurebie (1)
Ion Jurebie (1)

Surname Jurebie in USA   

Jurebie reversed is Eiberuj
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Ebujeir Juerebi Berejiu Eujreib Iebjeru Eijerub
Misspells: Julebie Jurrebie Jurebye Jurebje Iurebie Jurebee Jurebiea Jruebie Jurebei Jureibe

Rhymes: freebie Barbie Bobbie Debbie Robbie cabbie jury poorly purely surely bully

Meaning of name Jurebie is: from the word 'jurebie' variant of 'jirebie' = 'narrow plot of tilled land'
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Old Wiki
Name: Jurebie
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the word jurebie variant of jirebie = narrow plot of tilled land

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