Statistics and meaning of name Jureidini

Usage: 2% firstname, 98% surname.
Jureidini first name was found 3 times in 1 different countries. (USA)
Surname Jureidini is used at least 142 times in at least 12 countries.

      Surname Jureidini
Given names
Valerie Jureidini (4)
Carolynn Jureidini (3)
Richard Jureidini (2)
Fadi Jureidini (2)
Joan Jureidini (2)
Lisa Jureidini (2)
Robert Jureidini (1)
Sherrielyn Jureidini (1)
Yakini Jureidini (1)
Adma Jureidini (1)
William Jureidini (1)
Ameth Jureidini (1)
Ralph Jureidini (1)
Yalini Jureidini (1)
Paul Jureidini (1)
Evan Jureidini (1)
Emma Jureidini (1)
Kelly Jureidini (1)
Ian Jureidini (1)
Hoda Jureidini (1)
Janet Jureidini (1)
Michael Jureidini (1)
Leanne Jureidini (1)
Karen Jureidini (1)
Peter Jureidini (1)

Surname Jureidini in France   Surname Jureidini in USA   

Jureidini reversed is Inidieruj
Name contains 9 letters - 55.56% vowels and 44.44% consonants.

Anagrams: Uejirdini Jueriindi Riedjiniu Idinrejiu Niirijdeu Irdunijie Iinijdeur
Misspells: Juleidini Jurreidini Jureydini Jurejdini Iureidini Jureedini Jureidinia Jrueidini Jureidiin Jureidnii

Rhymes: Houdini Bellini Bernini Bimini Cabrini Cellini Fellini tinny jinni spinney guinea mini

Meaning of this name is unknown.

khalil jureidini says: surely , does no one precipitate at least conjectural discussion of this naming with reference to the [extinct ?] DENE language...therefore a relate to the Phoenicians , the "Navajo", who are really the DINE OR THE DENE ....JURA may have something to do with the jura mountains{?} translation has lent itself , I think , wrongly to usage as a derogatory uncle used to shout , yuhru-dinac , as a swearword , but it could go back to YUHRU[burn]DINAC[ YOUR BELIEFS]which may relate to early ' anarchism' , or maybe even UR...A lot of usage of the sounds UR , UHRU , HARR , harrisa , denote fire , burning ...SUMER...THE S-SOUND , USED as US or USZ heaks to the word for STORY , particularily OUR STORY ....US=OUR STORY...going all the way back possibly to origin stories , of pillars of fire , rains of fire , historical disaster and cataclysm stories encapsulated in namings that 'carry' historical templates of even pre-historic fact and mythologization...[discuss? discuss?]

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom France Australia Brazil Spain Canada Germany Philippines Thailand Qatar Cambodia Europe Vietnam Jamaica Ukraine


Writers: Ray Jureidini, Paul A. Jureidini

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