Statistics and meaning of name Jurov
We have no records about Jurov being used as firstname.
Surname Jurov is used at least 50 times in at least 7 countries.
Origin of this name is Bulgarian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 朱罗夫 (pinyin: zhū luō fū)
Given names
Jozef Jurov (2) Antun Jurov (2) Marija Jurov (2) Lubomir Jurov (1) Martin Jurov (1) Milan Jurov (1) Stefan Jurov (1) Ivan Jurov (1) Jan Jurov (1) Davor Jurov (1) Hrvoje Jurov (1) Pavel Jurov (1) Valentin Jurov (1) |
Jurov reversed is Voruj
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Jurvo Ovruj Vjuor Juovr Juorv Vuroj Ruovj Jruvo
Misspells: Julov Jurrov Jurob Iurov Jurova Jruov Jurvo Juorv
Rhymes: Kasparov Kirov Sakharov
Meaning of name Jurov is: from the Bulgarian name [Jurov]
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Writers: Yann Jurovics, Toby Jurovics
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