Statistics and meaning of name Jurschitsch

We have no records about Jurschitsch being used as firstname.
Surname Jurschitsch is used at least 5 times in at least 2 countries. (Austria,Switzerland)

Given names
Maria Jurschitsch (1)
Thomas Jurschitsch (1)
Sabine Jurschitsch (1)
Martin Jurschitsch (1)
Alois Jurschitsch (1)

Jurschitsch reversed is Hcstihcsruj
Name contains 11 letters - 18.18% vowels and 81.82% consonants.

Misspells: Julschitsch Jurrschitsch Jursschitsch Jurschytsch Jurschjtsch Iurschitsch Jurschetsch Jurschitscha Jruschitsch Jurschitshc Jurschitcsh

Rhymes: kitsch putsch Bosch Busch Kusch skipped script slipped switched bewitched

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: Austria United States Thailand Germany

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