Statistics and meaning of name Kamui
Usage: 38% firstname, 62% surname.
Kamui first name was found 15 times in 11 different countries.
Surname Kamui is used at least 24 times in at least 8 countries.
Gender of firstname Kamui is 0% feminine and 100% masculine.
Given names
Meisoon Kamui (1) Maral Kamui (1) Aida Kamui (1) Maeisson Kamui (1) |
Family names Kamui Ryutaro (1) Kamui Kobayashi (1) |
Kamui reversed is Iumak
Name contains 5 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Kamiu Aukim Uimak Ikaum Kaumi Iamuk
Misspells: Komui Kamuy Kamuj Kamue Kamuia Kmaui Kamiu Kaumi
Rhymes: cui mui lui hui tui
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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Domains - REGISTERED - REGISTERED - REGISTERED - UNKNOWN | Old Wiki Name: Kamui Gender: Masculine Location: Asia Language: Japanese Thematic: Unknown Thematic Meaning: Comments: |
Famous people: Kamui Kobayashi, Kamui Fujiwara
Writers: Kamui Fujiwara
Books: "Ainu Kamui: Kamui Fuchi" "Kamui, Tome 1 (French Edition)" "KAMUI Volume 1 (KAMUI)" "KAMUI Volume 2 (KAMUI)" "KAMUI Volume 3 (KAMUI)" "KAMUI Volume 4 (KAMUI)" "Kamui: Volume 7 (KAMUI)" "Kamui: Volume 6 (KAMUI)" "KAMUI Volume 5 (KAMUI)" "Kamui: Volume 8 (KAMUI)"
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