Statistics and meaning of name Kandalaft

Usage: 8% firstname, 92% surname.
Kandalaft first name was found 14 times in 2 different countries. (USA,Brazil)
Surname Kandalaft is used at least 155 times in at least 10 countries.

      Surname Kandalaft
Given names
Louise Kandalaft (3)
Paul Kandalaft (3)
Barbara Kandalaft (2)
Sally Kandalaft (2)
Peter Kandalaft (2)
Amal Kandalaft (2)
Maurice Kandalaft (2)
George Kandalaft (2)
Aline Kandalaft (2)
David Kandalaft (1)
Jacqueline Kandalaft (1)
Victoria Kandalaft (1)
Firas Kandalaft (1)
Ingrid Kandalaft (1)
Dominique Kandalaft (1)
Zeina Kandalaft (1)
Abla Kandalaft (1)
Sami Kandalaft (1)
Moutieh Kandalaft (1)
Salim Kandalaft (1)
Eay Kandalaft (1)
Ziad Kandalaft (1)
Leila Kandalaft (1)
Alexandra Kandalaft (1)
Cecile Kandalaft (1)
Ibrahim Kandalaft (1)
Farid Kandalaft (1)
Angela Kandalaft (1)

Surname Kandalaft in France   Surname Kandalaft in USA   

Kandalaft reversed is Tfaladnak
Name contains 9 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Misspells: Kondalaft Kandalafta Knadalaft Kandalatf Kandalfat

Rhymes: Craft Kraft Lovecraft Taft Wollstonecraft abaft aft soft betrothed cost washed dost

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Roberto Kalil Kandalaft says: Sou do Brasil e meu avô era do Líbano
Moutieh Kandalaft says: Kandalaft, Means Cherch Servant, and make and light the church Candeles
Vivienne kandalaft says: Kandalaft origin is Lebanese name was given to churh wardens and stuck as family name over 5 generations
Jojo says: Signifie bedeau en arabe
Elias Kandalaft says: The origin of the name came from the Greeck Orthodox Church, it means the candle lifter or the person who takes care of the Church

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Canada United Kingdom Germany Australia Lebanon Singapore Switzerland Israel United Arab Emirates Brazil France Chile Czech Republic Slovakia Syrian Arab Republic Sweden Ireland Europe Jordan South Africa Philippines Russian Federation Thailand Norway India Malta Romania Belgium Saudi Arabia Greece


Famous people: Dima Kandalaft

Writers: Michael A. Kandalaft

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