Statistics and meaning of name Kapryan

Usage: 10% firstname, 90% surname.
Kapryan first name was found 2 times in 1 different countries. (USA)
Surname Kapryan is used at least 18 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Poland)

Given names
Wlodzimierz Kapryan (2)
Wojciech Kapryan (1)
Bozena Kapryan (1)
Leszek Kapryan (1)
Jozef Kapryan (1)
Halina Kapryan (1)
Irena Kapryan (1)
Danuta Kapryan (1)

Surname Kapryan in Poland   Surname Kapryan in USA   

Kapryan reversed is Nayrpak
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Kpanray Rypaank Ryaknap
Misspells: Kopryan Kaplyan Kaprryan Kaprian Kapryana Kparyan Kapryna Kaprayn

Rhymes: Aryan Bryan Mauryan Bunyan Chipewyan grammarian galleon champion ganglion halcyon

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Kapryan Kennedy says: My father named me after Walter Kapryan who was his best friend in High School, (Denby Detroit) I have researched this name and have come to understand that it is the Polish form of a Greek name: Cyprian. More specifically St. Cyprian who was an early church father (1rst-2nd century AD) who lived in and was from the Island of Cyprus. Which is the meaning of the name Kapryan: one from the isle of Cyprus.

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