Statistics and meaning of name Katajisto

We have no records about Katajisto being used as firstname.
Surname Katajisto is used at least 50 times in at least 4 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 卡塔伊斯托 (pinyin: kǎ tǎ yī sī tuō)

      Surname Katajisto
Given names
Anne Katajisto (3)
Marko Katajisto (1)
Olavi Katajisto (1)
Marjatta Katajisto (1)
Linda Katajisto (1)
Hilkka Katajisto (1)
Jorma Katajisto (1)

Katajisto reversed is Otsijatak
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.

Anagrams: Kaatsotij Ktojsaita Siottakja Stiatokja
Misspells: Kotajisto Katajissto Katajysto Katajjsto Kataiisto Katajesto Katajistoa Ktaajisto Katajisot Katajitso

Rhymes: Callisto Ariosto Ernesto Modesto antipasto gusto misdo ditto disco tiptoe armadillo

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: Finland United States France Sweden Germany Europe United Kingdom Italy


Famous people: Kalle Katajisto , Martti Viljami Katajisto

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