Statistics and meaning of name Kaung

Usage: 60% firstname, 40% surname.
Kaung first name was found 111 times in 15 different countries.
Surname Kaung is used at least 74 times in at least 7 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 冈 (pinyin: gāng)

      Surname Kaung
Given names
Jaswir Kaung (2)
Htet Kaung (2)
Sharonjit Kaung (1)
Sharanjit Kaung (1)
Sundip Kaung (1)
Yee Kaung (1)
Surjeet Kaung (1)
Regwinder Kaung (1)
Parveen Kaung (1)
Jaswant Kaung (1)
Jaspal Kaung (1)
Jaswinder Kaung (1)
Laura Kaung (1)
Myat Kaung (1)
Perveen Kaung (1)

Given name Kaung
Family names
Kaung Khin (2)
Kaung Nam (1)
Kaung Win (1)
Kaung Zan (1)
Kaung San (1)
Kaung Myint (1)
Kaung Htet (1)

Surname Kaung in USA   

Kaung reversed is Gnuak
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Kaugn Nguak Gkanu Kangu Kanug Gaunk Kuagn
Misspells: Koung Kaunga Kuang Kaugn Kanug

Rhymes: Bandung Chung Hamhung Hertzsprung Hung Jung Kaohsiung gown coun down town crown

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom Germany Singapore Ireland Poland Philippines France Malaysia Australia India Thailand United Arab Emirates Luxembourg Netherlands


Famous people: Kaung Sithu

Writers: Kaung Stephen, Stephen Kaung, Shi-Kaung Peng, Wen-Kaung Chu, Myat Thaw Kaung

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