Statistics and meaning of name Kesta

Usage: 60% firstname, 40% surname.
Kesta first name was found 44 times in 10 different countries.
Surname Kesta is used at least 29 times in at least 8 countries.
Gender of firstname Kesta is 100% feminine and 0% masculine.

      Surname Kesta
Given names
Thekla Kesta (1)
Vassos Kesta (1)
Azhar Kesta (1)
Micheal Kesta (1)
Mary Kesta (1)
Louisa Kesta (1)
Louiza Kesta (1)
Evangelia Kesta (1)

Given name Kesta
Family names
Kesta Durkin (2)
Kesta Purt (1)
Kesta Surrage (1)
Kesta Graham (1)

Surname Kesta in USA   

Kesta reversed is Atsek
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Kesat Etkas Tasek Akets Ketas Ketsa Setak Kseat
Misspells: Kesto Kessta Kestaa Kseta Kesat Ketsa

Rhymes: Avesta Vesta celesta fiesta siesta delta septa eta recta

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom Germany Norway Nigeria Australia Netherlands Canada Russian Federation Poland New Zealand Thailand Sweden Ireland Lithuania Europe Switzerland South Africa Slovakia Belgium Barbados


Writers: Desmond Kesta

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