Statistics and meaning of name Keteles
We have no records about Keteles being used as firstname.
Surname Keteles is used at least 40 times in at least 3 countries.
Given names
Ljubica Keteles (2) Erika Keteles (2) Nikola Keteles (1) Janko Keteles (1) Vladimir Keteles (1) Zdenko Keteles (1) Ilija Keteles (1) Suzana Keteles (1) Ana Keteles (1) Ilona Keteles (1) Igor Keteles (1) Istvan Keteles (1) Marija Keteles (1) Attila Keteles (1) Rozika Keteles (1) Anton Keteles (1) |
Keteles reversed is Seletek
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.
Anagrams: Kteseel Elteesk Elekset Etseelk Sekteel Seeltek
Misspells: Keteless Ketelesa Kteeles Ketelse Keteels
Rhymes: Praxiteles Mephistopheles anopheles isosceles ukuleles headdress fezes eggshells airfares eggheads
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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