Statistics and meaning of name Khalel

Usage: 40% firstname, 60% surname.
Khalel first name was found 45 times in 12 different countries.
Surname Khalel is used at least 66 times in at least 15 countries.

      Surname Khalel
Given names
Fagir Khalel (1)
Mahdi Khalel (1)
Aza Khalel (1)
Asa Khalel (1)
Abdulwahab Khalel (1)
Irham Khalel (1)

Given name Khalel
Family names
Khalel Kadi (1)
Khalel Grioua (1)
Khalel Shokir (1)
Khalel Ibraham (1)
Khalel Mate (1)

Surname Khalel in USA   

Khalel reversed is Lelahk
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Klaehl Akhell Llakeh Kahell Hakell
Misspells: Kholel Khalela Kahlel Khalle Khaell

Rhymes: Hillel parallel hotel smell farewell spell swell

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Turkey Germany Sweden Indonesia Brazil Hungary Philippines Netherlands Jamaica Italy Canada Egypt


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