Statistics and meaning of name Khawli

We have no records about Khawli being used as firstname.
Surname Khawli is used at least 20 times in at least 7 countries.
Origin of this name is Urdu.

      Surname Khawli
Given names
Peter Khawli (1)
Thomas Khawli (1)
Joumana Khawli (1)
Dorothy Khawli (1)
Adele Khawli (1)
Raymond Khawli (1)

Surname Khawli in USA   

Khawli reversed is Ilwahk
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Hawikl Kwalhi Hakwil Kahliw Lwikah Hakliw
Misspells: Khowli Khawly Khavvli Khawlj Khawle Khawlia Kahwli Khawil Khalwi

Rhymes: crawly scrawly wally integrally maniacally

Meaning of name Khawli is: Deer. Name of a Sahabi
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Writers: M. R. Khawlie

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