Statistics and meaning of name Kheda

Usage: 58% firstname, 42% surname.
Kheda first name was found 69 times in 9 different countries.
Surname Kheda is used at least 48 times in at least 9 countries.
Gender of firstname Kheda is 0% feminine and 100% masculine.

      Surname Kheda
Given names
Natasha Kheda (3)
Faiza Kheda (1)
Guchigava Kheda (1)
Ali Kheda (1)
Sonia Kheda (1)
Seeta Kheda (1)
Balkissoon Kheda (1)

Given name Kheda
Family names
Kheda Makhauri (2)
Kheda Nakaeva (2)
Kheda Masakova (1)
Kheda Vitaeva (1)
Kheda Sjamileva (1)
Kheda Aydamirova (1)
Kheda Sulimanova (1)
Kheda Salamova (1)
Kheda Zabaeva (1)
Kheda Souleimanova (1)
Kheda Moussaeva (1)
Kheda Kurbanova (1)
Kheda Van (1)
Kheda Vestigova (1)
Kheda Tungaeva (1)
Kheda Abaeva (1)
Kheda Keo (1)

Kheda reversed is Adehk
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Khead Daehk Ahedk Ehdak Kehad
Misspells: Khedo Khedaa Kehda Khead Khdea

Rhymes: Alfreda Andromeda Ayurveda Castaneda Freda Frieda Leda meta deja cheetah pita feta

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Austria Netherlands Poland United Kingdom Brazil Denmark Norway Belgium Jordan Russian Federation India Switzerland Sweden South Africa France Mozambique Spain Philippines


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